Empowering Pharmacy Schools with Intelligent Insights
Pharmacy schools striving to future-proof their programs need to look no further than iseek.ai. Our platform delivers unmatched insights, facilitating curriculum planning, evaluation, and reporting.
Stay ahead of the curve by transforming and unifying your curricular content. With iseek.ai, you can significantly reduce the time spent on accreditation preparation, accelerate continuous quality improvement (CQI) initiatives, and enhance student outcomes.
Solutions for Research, Curriculum Planning, and Accreditation Reporting
Dramatically reduce the time and effort spent preparing for accreditation reviews. iseek.ai lets you systematically track and report on how content ties to your objectives, competencies, or national licensing topics, validating how your school is meeting requirements.
Improve the return on your investment in content and resources. iseek.ai helps to ensure that information is discoverable so students and faculty can readily conduct research from the universe of your institution’s scholarly material.
Make data-driven decisions about where to allocate teaching hours and invest in learning materials. iseek.ai gives you detailed data on coverage and gaps for unprecedented visibility into your resource needs.
Tap advanced analytics to verify performance against specific competencies and identify learning gaps. iseek.ai gives faculty and academic advisors insight on student performance at both the individual and cohort level.
Is Accreditation Killing You?
How much time does your school spend on self-study for accreditation reviews? If it takes months or even years, it may be time to rethink your process. iseek.ai automates the tagging of resources to topics so it’s no longer a point-in-time exercise. New content is classified continuously, so you’re always ready for reporting.
With iseek you know with certainty how, when, where, and how long topics are taught. iseek ingests and unifies content across platforms and file types to quantify teaching hours, courses, and materials. Using advanced AI and Natural Language Understanding technologies, iseek captures all contextually relevant content for a comprehensive and accurate view.

Preparing Pharmacy Schools for Standards 2025
With new ACPE accreditation standards on the horizon, pharmacy schools can anticipate greater emphasis on measuring student achievements against COEPA educational outcomes. iseek.ai helps you get ahead of the updated standards by enabling you to:

Document the depth and breadth of coverage of content and learning expectations

Map educational outcomes and activities

Demonstrate that syllabi include required learning outcomes
Leveraging advanced AI technology, iseek indexes, transforms, and unifies your entire body of curricular content from your LMS, lecture capture, and assessment platforms. It understands and automatically aligns this information to objectives-based outcomes and other ontologies— and continuously autotags new material.
iseek’s real-time data and customizable reporting templates enable you to generate accreditation-related reports in an instant. What’s more, iseek arms you with curricular information you need to make ongoing program improvements, so you can approach every accreditation review with confidence.