About Us

    iseek.ai is redefining how institutions and enterprises find and synthesize essential information. A pioneer in AI and Natural Language Understanding technology, iseek.ai is a leader in industry-optimized search and analytics solutions. With roots in the professional and higher education markets, iseek.ai has been trusted by top academic institutions to facilitate high stakes accreditation reporting and evaluate student progress for more than 15 years. Today, we are making an impact on higher and professional education, healthcare, compliance, workplace productivity, human resources, publishing, safety, travel and tourism, internet of things (IOT), and finance.

    Next-Level Search and Analytics

    The iseek.ai cognitive computing platform consumes, unifies, and indexes data, content, and information of any media type to develop new knowledge. It follows the human thought process, understanding and interpreting both structured and unstructured data for better search. Our analytics-driven Intelligent AgentsTM normalize and display data to reveal trends, opportunities, and risks—empowering users to make more-informed decisions.

    The iseek.ai Cognitive Pedigree

    iseek.ai is continually expanding the boundaries of automated decision support. Its infrastructure is distinguished by the incorporation of:

    • Artificial Intelligence and cognitive science, Natural Language Understanding (NLU)​, and secure Large Language Models (LLMs)​

    • Computational linguistics and quantum reasoning​, heuristic pattern matching and phonetic algorithms, and text classification

    • Intelligent ability estimation techniques​, machine learning and adaptive progression​, and multi-modal indexing​


    A Vantage Labs Company

    iseek.ai is part of Vantage Labs, a technology company that incubates products with new ideas in AI, natural language understanding, learning, and collaboration. Established in 1994 and privately held, Vantage Labs holds 46 patents and serves 2.3 billion users. Some of our best-known innovations include spell check and grammar check functionalities used by Microsoft and Apple, and scoring technology used for high-stakes college admissions tests. For more information, visit www.vantage.com.

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